Keeping Sarracenia is, for people in most parts of the United States, very simple.
I like to simplify the care by putting it in a few words: keep them outside year-round, under full direct sun, with their pots sitting in a tray of water.
If we want to go into more detail, I could clarify that Sarracenia are mostly intolerant of nutrients or minerals in their water. If you are in Portland and have Bull Run tap water, then your tap water is fine for them! If you are unsure, then a quick TDS reading of your water (this cheap TDS pen or one similar will do) will tell you the total dissolved solids of your water; a general rule of thumb is to keep it under 100ppm for Sarracenia, but lower is preferred. If your tap water is unsuitable for these plants, then collecting rainwater or purchasing RO or distilled water is likely your best bet.
On the topic of nutrients and minerals, Sarracenia need a nutrient-free growing medium. I use a 50/50 blend of nutrient-free Sphagnum peat moss and perlite, although many will substitute the perlite for coarse silica sand. Planting them in standard potting soil or MiracleGro will cause them to perish. You should have a suitable growing medium ready upon receipt of these plants.
Sarracenia for the most part want to sit in water. They are wetlands plants. If you let their tray dry out, especially in the desiccating winter wind or hot summer sun, then it is likely they will perish. Keep the tray their pots sit in anywhere from just barely wet to 1/3rd of the way up the pot, and they will thrive. I find these plants to be incredibly easy to keep as they are nearly immune to what is likely the #1 killer of houseplants; they cannot be overwatered!
Sarracenia are not indoor plants. The most significant reason for this is that they require immense amounts of sunlight to thrive. While it is certainly possible to grow them indoors under very strong grow lights (levels of light that would burn nearly any houseplant), the amount of light blocked by even a very bright south-facing window means that a windowsill will not be sufficient for these plants. Keep them outdoors with as much sun as they can get. If you have a spot that can grow tomatoes, preferably a location that allows them to ripen early in the season, then you can grow Sarracenia there.
If you live in a climate with a USDA hardiness zone of 8 or warmer, then all species and hybrids of Sarracenia will love to stay outside during your winters. If your winters get significantly colder than here in Portland, then you will need to make arrangements for most species to undergo their perennial winter dormancy. The species Sarracenia purpurea purpurea and Sarracenia oreophila and hybrids including them are likely to be more cold-hardy than the rest.
If you have interest in doing more reading on Sarracenia care than is laid out in this quick guide, I would recommend these two sites:
With that said, I would recommend not worrying too much or overthinking care of these plants. They are incredibly beginner friendly, and if you happen to live in the Portland area, we have a wonderful location for growing them!